Why Sikhs are considered as the bravest community?

Why Sikhs are considered as the bravest community?

Since long, Sikhs society have came forward to help out many causes and campaigns. It would not be sufficient to say that Gurudwara’s are always providing shelter, food to the human across the universe. Refer to there work, Sikh god community is regarded as the bravest from the history as they do care about there self-respect and also love about other people living around.

The sacrifices which are construct by the Sikh Gurus for the goal of humanity which have been carved in golden letters in the space of history.

  1. When the younger Sikh volunteers arranged a 24 hour langar for those stranded human during the Jat agitations.
  2. The true hearts Sikhs society of Paris stood up in help for the tremble Parisians after the November terror attacks.
  3. Sikhs of Khalsa offer set up ‘Langar’ in IS territory to cater for the refugees at the Iraq- Syria border.
  4. Sikh man have fail to think of the communal differences and had a mosque construct in the village for its Muslim residents and people.
  5. Two Sikh man unfolded their dastar to save a young human from go under in the water.
  • To fight battles in the defence of righteousness.
  • To not hurt civilians during a war.
  • To only utilize minimum force for victory.
  • To offer first assistance to the wounded on the battlefield, no matter if its the adversary and irrespective for their affiliation.
  • To not harm surrendered soldiers of war.


When the Sikh society of Paris step up in support of the shaken Parisians after the November terror attacks

Having put their sadness over the ban on the dastar behind them punctually, the Sikhs of Paris be paid much glorify for their liberality in the aftermath of the terrors attacks last year. Some Sikhs opened the doors to their house to support those out in the streets.

When a Sikh man cut across communal differences and had a mosque construct in the village for its Muslim residents

In the distant townlet of Sarwapur, a affluent farmer Joga Singh, observed the Muslim residents move to a mosque nearly 10 kms away to pray few times a day for years. So the man construct up, together with his Sikh buddy, a mosque for his Muslim bud.

When two Sikh heroes untangle their dastar to save young men from flooding

When a category of four young men near go under in effusive waters of a canal in Chandigarh, two heroic Sikh men – Kanwaljit Singh and Inderpal Singh- put saving lives above religious treaty. They took off their dastar when there was no other way to reach the drowning men, and pull out them to safety.

When a Sikh man in New Zealand took off his dastar to support stop a kid from bleeding from an injury to his brain

In a same incident in Auckland, New Zealand, a 22-year old Sikh human Harman Singh rushed out of his household when he perceived the wheels of a car shriek. He found a bleeding kid and without skipping a beat, he unfurled his dastar to aid stop the blood.

When Sikh organisations joined hands to cater for the powerless victims of the Nepal earthquake

The Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee and The Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee dispatch about twenty-five thousand food carton to Nepal for those who were left on the streets and lost after the destructive earthquake.

When the DSGMC stepped in to the Madras flood victims’ help as well – with the much needed shelter and food

The DSGMC rose to the time when the nations southern brothers were fight in the floods that hit Chennai. An 11-member assembly from the firm set up ‘langar’ for the numerous one that were in requirement.

When a Sikh-Australian railway worker saved a man from give in to a heart attack

Kulwinder Singh, an Indian immigrant in Sydney did not let force get the best of him, when a usual day of work at the Central Station in Australia took a turn towards fear. A passenger, Michael Williams, bear a cardiac arrest and Singh, heroically, utilized a defibrillator to support save his life.

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