What do you mean by the Sikh way of life?

Sikhism doesn’t humans mean turning down from the normal life chain to get nearer to the Almighty. It is craved that they utilize ordinary life as a manner to get nearer to Lord. A Sikh serves Almighty by offering (Seva) other humans every day. By assigning their life to service they get free of their pride and ego.

What advice does Rahit Maryada offer Sikhs about family life?

In their private life, a Sikh must live humbly and with care in an expanded family group that encourages Gurmat principles and offer moral help within this extended system.

Congregational Devotion

The Gurdwara

(a) Meditation and Study on the Holy Writ within the congregation is very significant, and Sikhs are nudged to visit the Gurdwara as early as possible

(b) The Guru Granth must be open for reading regularly but must not be left in the opening position, unless still in utilization, overnight.

The Granth is normally closed after Rehiras but may be kept opening as long as the Granthi or another bona fide human is available so that there is no likelihood of the Granth being disrespectfully handled.

(c) The Guru Granth must be opened, closed, and read with reverence. It must be in a raised position on a structure or stool in cleaned well-lit surroundings. It must be opened with care with tiny cushions being utilized for support and cover cloth utilized to cover it in between readings whilst in the open-up position. A canopy must be built up over the zone in which the Guru Granth is put down.

(i) Whenever the Guru Granth is progressing, everyone present must stand up to show admiration.

(j) Shoes should be removed before entering the temple and the feet, if rough, must be washed.

(k) A clockwise direction must be absorbed when walking around either the Gurdwara or the Guru Granth.

(l) Anyone irrespective of creed and caste, may enter the Gurdwara, offered they do not carry the tobacco or anything else accurately banned by Sikh religion.

Kirtan (Singing of Hymns)

(a) Kirtan comprises the singing of hymns from the Holy writ devised in classical Indian musical style.

(b) Kirtan carry out in the parish must be sung by Sikhs.

(c) Kirtan must comprise of musical adjustment of, either hymn by Gurus, or the simplifications of the Gurus writings by Bhai Gurdas and Bhai Nand Lal.

(d) While writing musical adaptations of the anthem, no subtraction and addition might be made to or from original words.

(e) During the service, the human who sits in presence at the Guru Granth must be a Sikh.

(f) Only a Sikh must sing hymns during the service, but all humans are free to read or sing these for themselves outside the gathering.

Sridharan Path (Normal reading of the Guru Granth)

(a) Every Sikh must try to keep a pure place in her or his own house for studying and reading the Guru Granth.

(b) Every Sikh must learn, Gurmukhi and do read out Guru Granth.

(d) It is advisable that a Sikh must complete a full reading of a Guru Granth in the course of two or one month time.

(e) Before begin out a new reading of Guru Granth, the foremost five and the last verse of the Anand Sahib should be said followed by Ardas and reading of the lesson. The new complete reading of the Guru Granth must then begin with Japji Sahib.

(c) No other book should be read while Path is being carried out.

(d) Before beginning Akhand Path, the initial five verses and the last verse of the Anand Sahib must be read start by the Hukum and Ardas. This must be commenced by the distribution of Holy Sweet to the parishioner. The Akhand Path can then begin.

(e) At the timeframe of the Akhand Path, it is normal to give a contribution to the upkeep of the temple and for the furtherance of Sikhism. This must be given as per one’s means.

Kara Prashad

(a) No greed and favoritism should be shown in the acceptance and distribution of Kara Prashad.

Living According to the Gurus’ Teachings

A Sikh must live and work as per to principles of Sikhism, and must be guided by the following:

(a) He must worship only one Lord, and must not engage in any form of idol worship.

(b) Live a lifecycle based on the teachings of Gurus, the Guru Granth, and other Holy Writ and teaching of Gurus.

(c) Sikhs must have faith in the “oneness” of the ten Gurus. That is, a solitary soul or organization existed in the life of ten Gurus.

(e) The Gurdwara must serve as Sikh’s central zone of worship. Although the Guru Granth is the footprint for faith, non-Sikh novels can be studied for usual inspiration.

(f) Sikhism must be unique from other religions, but Sikhs should in no manner give offender beliefs.

(g) Knowledge of Sikhism is advantageous for a Sikh and this must be obtained in addition to his other education.
(h) It is the job of Sikhs to teach Sikhism to their kids.

(i) Sikhs must not cut their kids hakid’sBoys supposed to be given the name of Singh and girls the name Kaur.

(j) Sikhs must not consume drugs, tobacco, alcohol, or other intoxicants.

(k) Sikhism strongly censures infanticide, specifically female infanticide.

(l) Sikhs must only live on cash that has been transparently earned.

(m) No Sikh must commit theft and gamble.

(n) Sikhs should not commit infidelity.

(n) A Sikh must respect another man’s wife as he would his mom; and another man’s daughter as his girl.

(o) A man must enjoy his wife’s companionship and women must be loyal to their guy.

(p) A Sikh must live his life from birth to death as per the test of his faith.

(q) It is opposite to Sikhism for women to do wear purdah.

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