What Is the Most Commonly Practiced Religion in the World?

What Is the Most Commonly Practiced Religion in the World?

The universal primary religions falling into two categories: Abrahamic religions, such as Christianity, Islam and Judaism; and Indian religions, which included Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, and others. Of the nation’s major religions, Christianity is the huggest, with more than two billion followers.

Christianity is based on the teachings and life of Jesus Christ and is approximately 2,000 years old. Its hugest groups are the Roman Catholic Church, the Protestant churches and the Eastern Orthodox churches, and its sacred text is the Bible. Over the centuries, Christianity progress in numbers as it spread around the nation, often through colonizers and missionaries.

The second most wide way practiced religion is Islam, with an estimated 1.8 billion followers worldwide. It began in Mecca (a city in modern-day Saudi Arabia) in the 7th century CE and was spreaded by Prophet Muhammad (570–632 CE), who followers of Islam faith to be Almightys ultimate prophet. Islam states that the teachings of Almighty, who is known as Allah, were pen up down in the holy book called as the Qurʾān, which is the faith’s spiritual text. Most Muslims belong to one of the two bigger branches of Islam: Sunnis involve approximately 80 percent of Muslims, and the Shiʿah involve approximately 15 percent. The remaining numbers belonged to tiny denominations.

Hinduism, with an estimated 1.1 billion followers, is the nation’s third hugest religion and also one of the oldest, with practices and beliefs that date back at least as far as the 1500s BCE.  Hinduism is practiced primarily in the country (where approximately 80 % of the population identifies as Hindu), Indonesia and Nepal. Little is known about the founding of Hinduism, but its teachings deep way influencing almost all aspects of believers’ lives. In recent years some aspects of Hinduism have become famous in the West, like the practice of yoga, along with the use of chakras (energy points found throughout the body) to treat and identify illness.

The fourth most wide way practiced religion is Buddhism, with approx 500 million followers worldwide and more than 250 million in China alone. Based on the teachings of Buddha, the religion was founded in our nation nearly 2,500 years ago. There are two major branches of Buddhism: Mahayana and Theravada. Tenets of Buddhism involve a vow of nonviolence and an adherence to ethical behavior in all aspects of life journey.

What Is the Most Widely Practiced Religion in the World? | Britannica

The next most widely practiced religions, found on number of followers, are:

Shintō (104 million followers). Formally set up in Japan in the 8th century CE, Shintō promoting the existence of many Almighty. It is not an organized religion in the traditional sense, but it serves as the foundation of numerous cultural practices in Japan.

Sikhism (25 million followers). Relatively new compared with numerous other faiths, Sikhism was found in the country in the 1500s CE and is build up on the teachings of Guru Nanak and his nine successors.

Daoism (12 million followers). Originate in China more than 2,000 years ago, it also known as Taoism as centers on living in the harmony with the spontaneous fluctuations of a natural order. Among its first philosophers was the man named Laozi, who is faith to have written the faith’s primary text, the Daodejing.

Muism (10 million followers). One of the globest oldest religions, this faith is closely connected with traditional Korean culture and history and is also signify as Korean Shamanism. Muism’s followers claiming a strong belief in the spirit nation.

There are certain 4,300 religions of the nation. This is as per to Adherents, an independent, non-religious affiliated organisation that monitoring the number and size of the nations religions.

Side-stepping the issue of what constitutes a religion, Adherents dividing religions into churches, denominations, congregations, faith groups, religious bodies, tribes, movements and cultures. All are of varying influence and size.

Nearly 75 per cent of the nation’s population practices one of the five most influential religions of the world: Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism and Islam.

Islam and Christianity are two religions most wide way spreading across the world. These two religions together cover up the religious affiliation of more than half of the universal population. If all non-religious people forming a single religion, it would be the world’s third largest.

One of the most wide way-held myths among those in English-speaking nations is that Islamic believers are Arabs. In fact, most Islamic humans do not live up in the Arabic nations of Middle East.

The globes 20 large religions and their number of believers are:

1. Christianity (2.1 billion)

2. Islam (1.3 billion)

3. Nonreligious (Secular/Agnostic/Atheist) (1.1 billion)

4. Hinduism (900 million)

5. Chinese traditional religion (394 million)

6. Buddhism 376 million

7. Primal-indigenous (300 million)

8. African traditional and Diasporic (100 million)

9. Sikhism (23 million)

10. Juche (19 million)

11. Spiritism (15 million)

12. Judaism (14 million)

13. Bahai (7 million)

14. Jainism (4.2 million)

15. Shinto (4 million)

16. Cao Dai (4 million)

17. Zoroastrianism (2.6 million)

18. Tenrikyo (2 million)

19. Neo-Paganism (1 million)

20. Unitarian-Universalism (800,000)

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