How Punjabi Sikhs Are Always Wealthy, Successful, and Rich

How Punjabi Sikhs Are Always Wealthy, Successful, and Rich

Punjabi people are considered rich because of their deceptive behavior. Not all of them are spendthrifts, but most of them. This behavior is inherited from the ancestors. One of the reasons is location. Their roots originate in northwestern India, where all the invaders invaded India. The region has been repeatedly looted by invaders like Nadir Shah, Babur etc. This affected the behavior of the Punjabis. They became warriors, knowing that they would have to resist the invaders, after plundering they worked hard to get back to normal life from the start and to stand on their own two feet. This return to normalcy made them confident, as they were able to grow wealth in a very short time. But fear of the next attack made them lose whatever they were earning. So, Punjabi believes in 2 truths, 1 if you work hard, you can grow wealth in a short time, and secondly, there is no need to save money because you do not know.

The Punjabi is rich.

We are rich in hearts and cultures. We belong to a group, we have parties all the time. Not at bedtime but dreaming parties at bedtime .

The Punjabi is rich.

We do not show off, we have a great way of expressing ourselves to the public so that the public can ask themselves about us (you know Gucci, armaments, etc.). XD

And we are the happiest people in the world. And rich people are often quite happy.

But there is one thing I want to say, we do not know English as well as we should but some of us can even speak Mandarin. It’s just a myth. If you come to Punjab and live in Punjab you will see that the Punjabi are like other Indians. And the same wage inequality exists here as in other provinces of India. Yes, I can say that the Punjabi standard of living is high because they seem to be rich. Another reason is that many people from Punjab emigrate to countries like Canada and Australia. They work for them and send money to their relatives in Punjab.

The Punjabi is rich.

Wealthy, they spend more than they earn, I even saw the son of an auto rickshaw driver using the latest iPhone model. If they earn 1000 in the morning they will spend 1500 in the evening. They even lend to other people just to get their pleasure. It is not their fault, as we all know they are Alexander’s grandsons.

Punjabi is so rich? … ..No no there is no such thing as Punjabi each looks very rich unless you speak traditionally. But sometimes, the Punjabis may earn less because of our business skills.

The Punjabi is rich.

They are like all other ordinary Indians (those living only in India). There are lower classes that work as unskilled laborers and there are still farmers who commit suicide (90% to 91% of farmers commit suicide in Punjab due to the debt trap) middle-class people are working in public and private companies, and others with their businesses,

some high-ranking individuals also hold senior positions, senior positions in the public and private sectors.

But somewhere it makes a difference that most Punjabi, especially those who used to live in Punjab, go abroad… they will have to earn about 50–60 times what one gain here. in India depending on the exchange rate which usually ranges from 50 to even 100 rupees per dollar/pound/euro etc.

And some of those here in Punjab India, have good money in their pockets or bank accounts because they have family businesses or shops run for generations or have a financial business. They charge a high-interest rate… high enough to live a middle-class life.

The Punjabi is rich.

Either their parents or grandparents have had old government jobs from time immemorial.

And if those living in urban areas have more money it is because here people are doing other businesses, alongside their livelihood. As someone who does a typical 9 to 5 job, he may have a side goods business that he does after 5 home only.

I have come to realize that we Punjabi people are very business-minded and therefore can earn extra money because of this ability.

For example, if there is an empty room or hall or area, we will soon have the idea that we should rent it out, open a clothing store or gym, or big profitable businesses that will bring profit here. Learning Centers or Food Business or real estate consultant.

But I do not know much about those living in other provinces of India. But I think they did well there.

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