Chanur , who is also denoted as Chanur Chamaar or Baba Siddha Chano and is honour as the god of justice, was the wrestler who was the technical wrestler and a buddy of Kansa . during Dhanuryagya, he came down to Mathura on his invitation. for wrestling, there he challenged him. There are numerous temples in the name of Chanur Ji in Himachal Pradesh, which are signify as Baba Siddha Chano Ji. His major temples are located in Smela, Dangra, Hamirpur, Paragpur, Himachal Pradesh and kangra.
In the forests, It is faith that Baba Chanur did acute penance of Lord Shiva and attained numerous powers from the Shiva. With the powers be awarded from Lord Shiva, Baba Chanur was helped the poor and getting them justice. Strolling in the forests and doing self punishment, Baba had reached the Surya Desh kingdom. There Baba met Luna, the king of Surya Desh daughter. Princess Luna Chamar, seeing the well-built and handsome figure of Baba Chanur, proposing to marry him but Baba declined saying that my pathway is of devotion. Then Princess Luna assuring that I would not come in the way, so Baba agreed to marry.
Baba Siddha Chano Aarti
It is said that initially Baba reached Anandpur Sahib, following that he come into view in Pragpur of Kangra district of Himachal Pradesh and after that Baba appeared in Hamirpur district, Samaila of where there are magnificient temples of his. Any individual who goes to Baba’s court to be after justice, Baba covered him.
In Kangra district of Himachal Pradesh, The shrine of Baba Siddh Chano Ji situated in Pragpur of Dehra is a popular pilgrimage site. Baba Siddh Chano Ji is reflect on the god of justice. People faith that whoever do not getting justice anywhere, In Baba’s court definitely getting justice. Baba Siddh Chano is also denoted as the Kalyug true government.
If the temple priests are to be faithed, the shrine of Baba Chano was more than 400 years old. The tale of Baba Siddh Chano Ji is pretty very interesting. It is said that Baba Ji was the king. He become visible in Paragpur village one day and began resting under the tall huge tree. Before Baba had rested, that tree was complete way dry, but after Baba rest in, that tree set off green.
There is a fair number of devotees in the shrine
There is a constant flow of admirer in Baba Ji’s shrine each day. On Saturdays and Tuesdays, the number of admirers coming here get bigger legion. The sculture of Baba Ji is installing in the temple. Devotees make ones devotion to Baba to fulfill everyones wishes. in Kalyug, Individuals faith that Baba Ji is the god of justice. He utilized to eliminate the sorrows of individuals and getting them justice.

Justice is available in Baba Ji court
It is saying that whoever did not getting justice anywhere, that person definitely getting justice in Baba ji court. In favour of justice, It is faithed that he always serve verdict. Those who do not getting justice anywhere, they came to Baba ji’s court and they got justice. Humans tell their issues in Baba Siddh Chano court and Baba also solving those issues. It is said that those who come to Chano ji’s court with a pure heart, they surely getting justice. It is faithed that Baba Chanur did acute punishment of Lord Shiva in the forests and got numerous powers from the Shiva. With the powers receiving from Lord Shiva, Baba covered the poor and the needy and getting them justice.
Baba Chano is pretty famous in North India. There are numerous temples of Baba here. Some of these shrines are Baba’s temple in Piplu temple in Hamirpur, Samaila temple in Bilaspur district, Pragpur temple in Kangra district of Himachal Pradesh and Anandpur district which are very famous. There was a continuous flow of devotees in the temples each day, but on Saturdays and Tuesdays the number of devotees came here increases multiplex.
Here Baba is worshipped as the true government and god of justice. It is said that a individual who did not getting justice anywhere else, got equity in Baba’s court. It is faith that whoever coming to Baba’s court with good devotion, never goes vacant handed from Baba court.
It is a matter of ancient times that in Dwapar Yuga, a king named Kailash ruled out in Mecca Medina. Everyone was quite happy in the King Kailash kingdom but the king remained unhappy. The king’s ministers needed to understand the reason for this and said that Rajan, everyone is happy in the kingdom, you serve the unhappy individuals, but still you looking sad inside, why is it so? Then the king told that I am sad as I do not have any child.