Why were there No Sikh Guru after Guru Granth Sahib?

Why were there No Sikh Guru after Guru Granth Sahib?

Why were there No Sikh Guru after Guru Granth Sahib?

By elevating the Adi Granth to the role of a lifelong Guru, Guru Gobind Singh ji (the 10th guru of Sikhs) brought an end to the lineage of human Sikh Gurus. Guru Gobind Singh ji incorporated Guru Nanak’s holy light into the divine Word and stated that Guru Granth Sahib will be the next Guru following him. It was to be worshipped as the body and soul of the ten Gurus, he told the Sikhs.

He then formally knelt to the Granth Sahib as his heir, GURU GRANTH SAHIB, after placing five paise in it. ‘Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh,’ they say. The Panth was formed on the commands of the Immortal Soul. The Granth is should be accepted as the Guru of all Sikhs. Regard the Guru Granth to be the personification of the Gurus. Those looking for God can discover Him in the hymns of the church. The Khalsa will rule, and its foes will vanish; those who have been separated will reunite, and all worshippers will be secured.”

Guru Granth Sahib, also known as Adi Granth Ji, is much more than a Holy book, as the Sikhs regard it as their alive Guru.

The Guru Granth Sahib is a collection of hymns, poetry, shabads, and other works from a variety of sources, along with the Gurus and Hindu and Muslim authors. Each copy of the Guru Granth Sahib has the same 1,430 pages.

The Guru Granth Sahib is more than just a Sikhism sacred book. It’s also known as the “Living Guru.” Guru Gobind Singh stated that there will be no further human Gurus and also that the Guru Granth Sahib will be the Immortal Guru just before he perished.

The Guru Granth Sahib comprises the Gurus’ spoken utterances. It is called as Gurbani, which literally means “from the tongue of the Guru.” It is thought to be God’s word, and as such, it is flawless.

It’s handwritten in the Gurmukhi script. The Punjabi language is spelled in this script.

It is displayed at the gurdwara’s prayer room. A gurdwara is any structure that houses a replica of the Guru Granth Sahib.

It is known as the Alive Guru since the Gurmukhi scripture is regarded as God’s word and is thus regarded with about the same reverence as a human being.

Guru Angad and Guru Arjan maintained and compiled many of Guru Nanak’s chants and hymns. The Adi Granth was the name given to this compilation.

Hindu and Muslim authors who trusted in the unity of God contributed to the Adi Granth. A few of such writers came from lower castes, demonstrating Sikhism’s inclusion.

In 1604 the Guru Granth Sahib was finished and placed in the Golden Temple. This original manuscript is written in a variety of languages, indicating that it was authored by a number of writers.

The Mool Mantra is the Guru Granth Sahib’s first shabad. This is Sikhism’s declaration of faith. It explains why there is only one God.

The Guru Granth Sahib’s first line is “Ik Onkar.” This literally translates to, “There’s only The One God.”

The Guru Granth Sahib is revered.

Because the Guru Granth Sahib is regarded as the Eternal Guru, Sikhs believe it should be revered similarly to human Gurus. This necessitates treating it with the highest respect.

Gratitude for the Guru Granth Sahib can be expressed in a variety of ways:

  • Prior getting inside the gurdwara, Sikhs take off their footwear and wipe their hands.
  • In the sight of the Guru Granth Sahib, Sikhs carry head coverings within the gurdwara.
  • The Guru Granth Sahib is enshrined atop a takht, or elevated platform. This is beneath the manji, which serves as a bed for the Guru Granth Sahib. The palki, a domed building that shelters the place where the Guru Granth Sahib is kept, is located just above. The chanani, that is a roof made of patterned fabric called as the rumalla, protects this.
  • In the Darbar Sahib, the sangat sits on the floor to keep their heads from rising above the Guru Granth Sahib.
  • When Sikhs reach the prayer hall, they pay tribute to the Guru Granth Sahib.
  • The Guru Granth Sahib is never forgotten by Sikhs.
  • A granthi is a person who has been given the task of reading the Guru Granth Sahib. A chauri, an unique fan made of yak hair, is whirled over the Guru Granth Sahib as it is being read.
  • At nighttime, the Guru Granth Sahib is kept in a separate chamber.

    So, as per the command of Guru Gobind Singh ji Guru Granth Sahib was considered as eleventh Guru of Sikhism and also regarded as Human Guru only even if you ask any sikh person about how many guru’s they have they’ll mention eleven only. This is why there’s just 10 Human Guru’s in Sikhism.

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