Top 10 Teachings of Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Top 10 Teachings of Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

All the people in the world are equal

The Guru Granth Sahib promotes the message of equality for all creatures and at the same time claims that Sikh believers “attain a high position” (SGGS, Page 446). Discrimination of all kinds is absolutely forbidden based on the Sikh Tenet Fatherhood of God which says that no one should be considered inferior or superior, saying that instead believers should – “count all mankind as One”.

Sri Guru Granth Sahib promotes the idea of ​​equality by emphasizing the fact that we are made of the same flesh, blood and bone and have the same light of God as us – Soul. Our building blocks are the same.

A God-fearing creature is always spotless, like the sun, which gives comfort and warmth to all. A godly person views everyone equally, as a spirit, equally blowing over a king and a poor man.Gurus also encourages believers to promote social justice by sharing income with those in need.

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The Status of Women

Guru Nanak Dev Ji said “Sikhi does not teach you to raise your hand to a woman to teach you to respect her” Sikhism also preaches that equal respect should be given to women.

On earth and in the sky, I do not see any moment. Among all women and men, His Light shines. 


Sikhism strongly believes in its belief. This means that God is believed to be the only Real Being in the universe, which means that no other creature is more powerful than man. The Sikh Gurus says that only God is worthy of worship, and the ultimate end of existence, namely mukti or freedom, can come only from devotion to God.

In addition to their monotheistic belief, Sikhism also emphasizes another philosophical concept, known as monism, a philosophical position that argues that the various things that exist can be explained by a single truth or thing. In addition, one of the religious principles is the belief that the world is a mere “myth” or illusion (Maya) and that God is the only “Continuing Reality” to nullify selfishness, selfishness, and hatred.

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God is merciful and infinite. One and Alone is everywhere.

He Himself is everything. Who else can we talk about? God Himself gives His gifts, and He Himself accepts them.

All comings and goings belong to Your Will; Your location is stable and stable. 

Speak and live the truth

Sikhs believe in the importance of a true life, which can only be achieved by mental purity and not by rituals of purification. They believe that uncleanness triggers a host of other bad habits, such as anger, lust, attachment, pride, and greed.

So how can you be sure? And how can the veil of deception be broken?

O Nanak, it is written that you will obey the Commandment of His Command, and walk in the way of His Will.

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Control five bad actions

Guru Sahib devotees believe they have to control the animal environment Pride / Ego, Anger / Anger, Greed / Desire, Attachment / Dependence and Lust / Addiction.

All goodness is found, all fruits and rewards, and desires of the mind; my hopes have been completely fulfilled.

The medicine, Mantra, the Magic Charm, will cure all ailments and remove all pain.

Lust, anger, pride, jealousy and lust are eliminated by singing the Name of the Lord.

Live in the cave of God

The Sikh believes that he should live and accept God’s command easily and without great emotional distress. They are trying to live a life of contentment in Chardikala (a positive attitude).


He roams the four corners and ten locations, according to his karma.

Pleasure and pain, liberation and rebirth, O Nanak, come according to the predestined destiny of man.

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Sikh religion emphasizes other virtues: Truth (Sat), Satisfaction (santokh), Love (Ishq), Compassion / Mercy (daya), Service (server), Charity (dana), forgiveness (ksama), humility (nimrata) , patience (dheerjh), non-attachment (vairagya) and disposal (taiga).

These believers try to avoid anger (krodh), egoism (ahankara), avarice (lobh), lust (kama), infatuation (moha), sinful acts (papa), pride (man), doubt (duvidha), ownership ( mamata), hatred (vair), and enmity (virodh). In the Sikh religion, liberation from these vices, or Sahaj, is achieved by living a life free of strife, morality, and spirituality to avoid self-harm and other religious rites of purification.

First, the praise of the Lord; second, satisfaction; third, humility, and fourth, giving to the poor. Fifth is to control one’s desires with self-control. These are the five most important daily prayers.

Humility is a word, forgiveness is a virtue, and sweet talk and love donuts is the magic mantra. Put on these three garments, sister, and you will capture your Bridegroom Lord. 

Equality among the Sikh community

All members of the Sikh community are considered equal. All people, regardless of gender, race, disability, class or wealth, should be treated with dignity and respect. Through their actions within the gurdwara and the local community, the Sikhs express their belief in human unity.

Guru Nanak taught that women should be respected. Many Sikhs believe that he taught that without women, there would be no existence at all.

The unity of humanity is reflected in the gurdwara and the Sikh community as follows:

There is no difference between men and women within the gurdwara and the community.

Both men and women can participate in all aspects of worship.

All men and women can lead a worship service by learning the Guru Granth Sahib and playing music.

All people are equal within the sangat.

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Sewa means ‘dedicated service’. It involves making sacrifices and helping others in various ways, without reward or personal benefit. It is a way of life for many Sikhs and is part of their daily routine. Sikhism teaches that the sewa is an act of service to the Waheguru and therefore should be practiced regularly in order to get closer to the Waheguru. It helps the Sikhs to become gurmukh and to express their faith in the Waheguru.

Sikhs perform the sewa in various ways, such as helping the sangat and the local community. Many Sikhs do much of their sewa by helping with gurdwara, which includes cleaning, washing dishes or serving with langar.

Langar is where food is provided free of charge to anyone visiting Gurdwara, regardless of faith

Sewa making is important because:

It reflects the belief in equality and the importance of all people.

By serving others, the Sikhs show humility. This is because serving others shows that Sikhs do not believe they are better than anyone else.

Showing love and respect by helping others shows love to Waheguru.

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