The Many Colors Of Harpreet Singh By Supriya Kelkar

The Many Colors Of Harpreet Singh By Supriya Kelkar

Harpreet Singh loves different colors—but when his family move down to a new city, everything just emotion gray. Can he explore a way to make life vibrant again?
He has a unique color for every occasion and mood, from red for courage and pink for dancing to bhangra beats. Harpreet Singh mostly takes care with his patka—smoothing it out and make certain it at all times matches his outfit. But when Harpreet’s mother discover a job work in a snowy region and they supposed to move, all he require is to be invisible. Will he ever emotion a cheerful sunny yellow again?

A bit of education about Sikh religion’s customs and beliefs, especially on the last page.

A nice story for children’s who should move or have moved and battle with adjusting to new friends, new weather, etc. It’s a reassuring tale in that of course he connects a new friend and there is a comical bit where once he’s balanced he even misses the snow that he hated once spring comes. I got a kick out of how it looks like as though the family hierarchy begins in and leaves San Francisco, California. Places names are not bring up but one of the earlier illustrations looks as though it was set at China Beach or Baker Beach close to the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.

You love how Harpreet Singh utilizes the colors of his clothes and his turban/patka to outwardly express the emotions he’s feeling inside. This is joy and somewhat more complex manner to introduce (some) colors to even very younger kids.

Harpreet singh

It’s so humorous when he wears white to be invisible how all the other kids in the classroom are looking straight way at him.
The illustrations are deep coloured and lovely and interesting and the humans have great facial expressions and common expressiveness. You loved the surprising color palette.

This book gave you all the feels. What pretty assertion of loving yourself, accepting conversion, and of friendship. Then you have the add on richness of the multiethnic aspects. You love it, I love it, and we do.

An ebullient young boy who loved to express his emotional layer through the color of his turban – as it is a style of patka often worn by young Sikh boys – Harpreet Singh was not at all thrilled when his parents declared that they were moving from sunny California to a snowier zone of the nation. Ill-at-ease and shy in his new household and school, he took to wear white, desiring to disappear from sight. Nothing his parents did could inspire him up. Then one snowy evening he found a pretty yellow hat, and, return back it to its owner, got to aware of his new classmate Abby. Soon his perspectiove had improved, and he was back to wear out all types of colors… include white, to remind him of the snow on the earth, when he made his foremost new buddy!

Recommended to anyone looking for children’s tales about moving, about feelings, or about the experiences of small kids.

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