14 Unsolved Mysteries Of India That Will Send A Chill Down Your Spine

14 Unsolved Mysteries Of India That Will Send A Chill Down Your Spine

14 Unsolved Mysteries Of India That Will Send A Chill Down Your Spine-

The Jodhpur highway sonic boom


The occurrence happened on December 18, 2012, however, the cause of the audible sonic boom is still a mystery. On December 18, the citizens of Jodhpur city heard a piercing noise that confounded the entire nation. The Army’s refusal to participate in any such exercise led to the initial assumption that the sound was caused by an Air Force exercise, which turned this occurrence into one of the biggest mysteries in the nation.

The enigma surrounding Prahlad Jani, who allegedly went 70 years without drinking or eating.


If you’re a foodie, you might be shocked by this man’s tale. While most of us are daydreaming about our upcoming meals, Holy Man Prahlad Jani was not even born when he last had food. Mr. Jani had asserted that he had gone 70 years without ingesting even a single grain of rice or drop of water. He had several tests, and his food intake was tracked for 15 days. Everything went beyond what science could explain when Mr. Jani survived without food or water after being observed for 15 days. Confusing, yes?

The Subhash Chandra Bose murder mystery


Subhash Chandra Bose, the torchbearer of Azad Hind Fauj, passed away inexplicably. When Bose was killed in a plane crash at the end of World War II, sources stated that he died from significant third-degree burns. However, the fact that his body was never found raised questions. His disappearance was the subject of several theories. While some said that his passing was a ruse to enable him to flee into hiding and enter the USSR, others claim that he converted to Buddhism and became a Sadhu. Many people also reported seeing him at various times and locations.

The Delhi iron pillar that has never corroded


One of the most visited tourist attractions in Delhi is the Iron Pillar. However, the Iron Pillar’s 99 percent corrosion resistance is something that most people continue to be unaware of. The 7.21-meter-tall wonder, which is more than 1600 years old and rust-free, has attracted scientists from all over the world to research it. None of them, however, were able to discover the answer to the puzzle of how a chemically sophisticated material might have been created some 2000 years ago.

Nanda Devi Nuclear Device


The CIA of the United States sought to plant a nuclear device on Mount Nanda Devi during the Cold War to spy on the Chinese. This claim is almost too unbelievable to be true. The team that was sent out to install the gadget was confronted by a violent snowstorm and forced to flee, leaving the device behind. The item appeared to be gone when they returned months later, and despite their best attempts, they were unable to locate it. Thus, a potentially alive nuclear device continues to sleep today inside the snow-covered summit of Mount Nanda Devi. People have expressed fear that the device might be polluting the environment, thus recent efforts to find it has resumed.

Jatinga Assam mass bird suicide, number six


While several investigations have been conducted to determine why this keeps happening, nothing sufficiently conclusive has been discovered to date. Mass bird suicides have place frequently in the Assamese village of Jatinga, which is home to a small tribe. Migratory birds that visit this location every year from September to November exhibit the strangest behavior, to the point where the village has become well-known worldwide for these bizarre occurrences.

The Jaigarh Fort Treasure


The Jaigarh Fort was created by Jai Singh II in 1726 to defend Amer. The fort is particularly impressive because it has a fully functional water harvesting system and is architecturally sophisticated. The story, though, that has the world’s attention is what might be in the Jaigarh fort. Legend has it that the ruling dynasty is hidden enormous sums of money in the fort to protect it from the Mughals. The myth is so well-known that during the emergency from 1975 to 1977, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi is rumored to have conducted raids in the fort.

Bihar’s Son Bhandar Caves’ treasures


These man-made caves in Bihar, which date back to the fourth century BC, have been the focus of numerous stories and are supposed to contain a stunning amount of gold. A sculpture of Vishnu has also been discovered in the caverns, which connects them to Jainism, and is thought to have been constructed by Muni Vairadeva.

Idukki’s Red Rain, No. 9


Even though it frequently rains, how would you feel if you looked up one day and discovered that the clouds’ escaping droplets were blood crimson in color? You can only imagine the anguish that the residents of Kerala experienced when it occurred in Idduki. Since 1957, there have been a few more instances of the initial incidence that was officially documented. While it was initially believed that meteoric particles were what gave the rain its color, it was later revealed that the rain’s coloring came from a reaction between airborne spores from nearby algae and the raindrops.

The Deserted Village of Kuldhara, Rajasthan


Kuldhara, an abandoned village in Rajasthan, is renowned as one of the country’s most eerie locations. While many theories have been put forth as to why the village was abandoned—some implying a terrible earthquake and others implying a decreasing water supply—legend has it that villagers fled the area overnight because of a cruel diwan by the name of Salim Singh (also known as Zalim Singh), who imposed exorbitant taxes on the villagers.

Kodinhi in Kerala’s Twin Village Mysteries


The number of twin births in Kodinhi, a small town in Kerala with 2000 families, has attracted attention even though India has one of the lowest rates of twin and multiple births in the world. A survey revealed that there are over 200 sets of twins in the community, as well as several triplets. It has been proposed that this may be because the village’s water is favorable for twin births.

Shetpal’s The Mystery of the Village of Snakes


You would likely be horrified for days if a snake was discovered near your house, and for good reason. However, snakes hold a unique place in the hearts and homes of the residents of Shetpal, a village in Maharashtra. Snakes are allowed to enter and exit homes at will, and the locals here establish a particular area for them to visit and relax. It’s also important to note that the village hasn’t yet had any reports of snake bites! 12. Shetpal’s The Mystery of the Village of Snakes

The Floating Pillar Mysteries

The Fascinating Secrets of the Hanging Pillar Temple in India - WanderWisdom

This temple is a well-known historical and archaeological location honoring Lord Shiva. One of the temple’s 70 pillars, which support its structure, hangs in the air, which is an odd feature of the location. Nothing is holding up this pillar.

Roopkund, Uttarakhand’s Skeleton Lake

Roopkund - Wikipedia

The icy waters of Roopkund Lake melt at a particular point in the distant past, revealing the scattered skeleton remains of 200 people. These people died in this region about 1200 years ago, according to scientific studies. According to the well-known local mythology, King Jasdhava, his spouse, and their companions left behind these skeletons when they visited the goddess Nanda Devi to offer devotion. As they danced and performed music on the sacred land, it is reported that the deity became enraged with them.

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