Empowering Solo Female Travel: Safety Tips and Inspiring Stories

Empowering Solo Female Travel: Safety Tips and Inspiring Stories

I have traveled substantially on my own as a solo female for the past decade to chunks of the USA, South America, Europe and Asia. The stuff I think females must do are:

1. Do the research. Know the basics and be respectful of other nations’ attire and culture.

2. Packed very light. If you’re on-the-go, you don’t need to lug around so many suitcases.

3. It’s 2019, so download relevant apps and have a smartphone for the nation you are going to. Use google maps to cover you. Pay for data or apply free wifi, but make certain you are connected in case anything occurs.

4. Don’t leave the drink unattended and don’t drink anything given by the stranger.

6. Wear comfy shoes. Unless you’re going to a good event, always wear something you could run in.

7. If you’re taking a taxi or any car service, stay alert and turn the maps app on so you understand if you’re being taken to the righteous place.

8. buy or Carry protection, in case you meet someone and need to take it further.

9. Safety first. Apply common sense. Don’t do anything crazy, stupid, or cool just as you need to brag about it when you get home.

10. Most significantly, have fun and do stuff locals would do.

Your Ultimate Guide For Travelling Solo as a Woman

Here’s what I’d consider essential for traveling alone as a Female almost anywhere.

1. Make certain your mobile would have data service in the destination, charge it (and carry a charging external battery pack), and keep it on you at all times. Your mobile is a good weapon here.

2. Utilize the similar standards you’d utilize at home for stuff like public drinking, and so on. I’m not saying don’t do this stuff, as it can be a fun chunk of travelling on your own. Applying the same common sense standards would mostly have the similar effect as it does at sweet home. Same goes for arranging taxis and the like.

3. Research where you’re going to explore if there’s any gotchas. For example, travelling in some nations goes more easily if you are dressed modestly (arms and shoulders covered to the bottom and legs covered at least to the bottom or knee). In others, catcalling is commonplace (though that might not say anything about other aspects of violence against women). If you understand before you go, you would be better prepared.

I traveled Malaysia, Hong Kong, and Bali alone last month. So, here are some tips-

• Booked the tickets using Skyscanner

• Staying in a hostel, you felt safe there and would get to meet awesome female solo tourists.

• Always carry one spared mobile in case you lose one. It occured with me in Singapore and I had to purchase a new one, it indeed taking a toll on the traveling budget.

• Always purchase a new SIM (with internet pack) as soon as you land in another nation, hostel/hotel wifi is alright most of the time and faith in me you do want internet while traveling. Google map is the best friend or if you just need to google vegetarian food.

• Make certain that you are back to the hotel/hostel before it gets dark.

• Always prefer public transportation instead of taxis. It would not just save the money, but would also certains safety as well.

• Wearing decent clothing, knee-length shorts or skirts and half sleeves clothes will do. Wear what makes you comfy, so that you can focus much more on traveling. Do read about the place you visit. Wearing a bikini might be is stupid, but once you are in resort space you do not want to fret about it too much. So, read everything about the place.

• Don’t share the personal details with anyone such as where you are spending some time or what else you are carrying or your next travel plan.

• Never leave the bag unattended.

• If you are in a taxi and not certain about the direction and it’s darkened and you are hell scared, then talking to someone over a mobile and telling him/her about the situation, including the car number. Talk lauded enough for the driver to hear you properly. You could also fake that if you do not have someone to talk to.

• Book the flights in such a manner that you reach the airport in the afternoon or morning.

In tiny, do not forget to apply your common sense.

I have compiled a safety tips list for Female travel to India.

These are all from women who were supposed to travel to India.


Do not get into a vehicle with strangers unless it is a universal last resort.

Ignore taking public buses during the rush hour

Eliminate public transportation at night timeline, and not rided in vacant buses or trains at night.

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