Chitta Lahu

Chitta Lahu is author Nanak Singh initial famous novel, published initially in 1932, later get into dozens of subsequent editions. Sundri is the heroine that comes into contact with young Bachchan Singh as the hero and a loyal idealist very much interested in the reconversion of his village. He set up a school in the Gurdwara for offering free education to the kids, but due to his villagers traditionalist ideas regarding untouchability, Sundri is refused this facility. Bachchan Singh taught her privately and in due course of timeline, they starting love for each other.

Bachchan Singh need to marry Sundri but is put a stop by Pala Singh who is group-leader of the village-rover, addicted to opium and wine. Pala Singh himself has a sharp witchy eye on her. Not work out in his inner plans, Pala Singh connect Bachchan Singh in a murder case. Karam Chand, a humbug Brahman of the village plays wicked with a young widow Gurdai of the hamlet. The injustices and maltreatment by the community forces Gurdai to take on the profession of a dancing woman under the name of Anwarjan.

During a marriage honouring, Sundri comes into contact with Anwarjan whom she required to discourage from giving her dance-items in the hamlet. During their conversations Gurda (Anwarjan) comes to identify that Sundri is none-else but her own abandon daughter. Bachchan Singh is eventually hanged and Sundri pledged to take revenge his death by killing Pala Singh. In her effort to kill Babu Sham Dass, a station master to take revenge her mothers unhappiness, she finds him (her father and, Gurdai\’s first husband) a completely changed person and in the end forgives him.

This book has historical as well as literary importance in the records of Punjabi novel. Although the writer had earlier donated some short story, yet this was his first big achievement, which like a milestone, reflects the Punjabi novel the route of realism. Individuality of characters, the portrayal of Punjabi lifestyle, their variety and proper psycho-analysis, along with a well-knit plot, interspersed with dramatic situations are praiseworthy. The entire book has been written in an ironical design, making it an impactful satire on the false doings of society of the timeline.

This is the first book which made everyone cry. This book is full of sorrows, pain, and sufferings etc.
In this novel, author tells us about a woman tale who has to absorb lot of sufferings, only because of society guidelines and rules. I do say that this is my initial one Punjabi Novel which I have read. It represents the true societal wickedness which have always been present, but avoided. And, author Nanak Singh has painted every character in its true sense.
If you are looking for a classic book, begin with writings of writer Nanak Singh.

This novel is so amazing… I just want to say that Sundri represnt a strong woman who transform many individuals by writing fabolous books or novels.. so we can change the universe not by physical power but also by some other ways and manners… Sundri was influenced by Bachhan singh who need to change the universe by giving them sharp knowledge about social criticism. he requier to discover study in his village…

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